Every one is well aware of the risks of tobacco.
Not only researchers and hospital staff,but also those who use cigarette and snuff know that tobacco causes many diseases.
Many people who use tobacco wants to quit.But tobacco is addictive,and it can be difficult to quit.
Tobacco is the most common external causes of disease and premature death.
In Sweden die each year 8.000 people prematurely and is needlessly of diseases caused by smoking.
Smokers suffers more than others by,for example,angina of the legs,bladder cancer,chronic bronchitis,heart disease,stroke,heart attacks,ulcers and osteoporosis.
Smoking shortens your life by 5-10 years.
500.000 Swedes are suffering from COPD,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,and the majority of them are smokers.
Today,breast cancer is the most common cancer among women.But within 8 years,more women will die of lung cancer than of breast cancer.
Environmentally may smokers get 25% of the smoke from a cigarette.The rest disappears into our environment.
500 Swedes die each year due to involuntary passive smoking.
Snuff gives damage to the gums,and can cause loss of your teeth.