Categories: Business

Northwest Pilots, Broadway Actors Settle Labor Contracts

 By May Silverstein for AFL-CIO NOW

Northwest pilots, Broadway actors and utility workers are among those reaching contract agreements in recent days, and more news from the “Bargaining Digest Weekly.” The AFL-CIO Collective Bargaining Department delivers daily, bargaining-related news and research resources to more than 900 subscribers. Union leaders can register for this service through our website, Bargaining@Work.

ALPA, Northwest Airlines: Air Line Pilots (ALPA) leaders at Northwest Airlines have approved a tentative joint contract with Delta Air Lines to take effect after the two companies combine. The contract now goes to a vote by the members.

UWUA, Consolidated Edison: Some 9,000 Consolidated Edison workers in New York, represented by the Utility Workers (UWUA), agreed to a tentative four-year contract. The union secured wage increases and successfully opposed a company plan to give new employees a 401(k)-style plan rather than traditional defined-benefit pensions. Specific details have not yet been released.

Actor’s Equity, Broadway: Actors’ Equity, which represents roughly 6,000 actors working on Broadway shows and touring productions, reached a tentative agreement for a new 39-month contract. Details have not yet been released.

CWA, US Airways: US Airways plans to replace its skycaps with unionized airline workers, represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA), at airports across the country starting July 9, when it begins charging $15 for a first checked piece of luggage. According to the CWA agreement, unionized employees must collect funds “in the price range” of the $15 and $25 bag fees.

NYSUT, Bethlehem School District: The support staff of the Bethlehem Central School District in New York, represented by NYSUT (AFT-NEA), reached a four-year contract agreement with the district. The contract contains an average annual overall wage increase of 2.6 percent over the life of the contract, which ends after the 2011-2012 school year.

AFSCME/IAFF, Philadelphia: Contracts covering Philadelphia’s four municipal unions, including AFSCME and the Fire Fighters (IAFF), expired earlier this week. AFSCME District Council 47, representing 4,300 white-collar city employees, agreed to a two-week contract extension and District 47 members authorized a strike if contract negotiations stall beyond July 15.

AFSCME, Albuquerque: Some 200 city employees and county water workers in Albuquerque, N.M., represented by AFSCME Council 18, rallied to protest the slow pace of contract negotiations with the city of Albuquerque and city-county Water Utility Authority administration. Pay is a top concern.

IBEW, Vallejo, Calif.: In Vallejo, Calif., the city’s non-management union employees, represented by the Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the independent Fraternal Order of Police (FOP-Ind.), filed objections to the city’s bankruptcy petition, saying they are helping protect city taxpayers, services, wages and retiree health care coverage. Vallejo officials filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy on May 23.  In their challenge, union representatives renewed an offer they say would reduce the city’s projected debt by $10 million in exchange for multiple-year employee contracts extensions.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for your information only.  As it is compiled from published news reports, not from individual unions, we cannot vouch for either its completeness or accuracy; readers who desire further information should directly contact the union involved.


The AFL-CIO is a voluntary federation of 55 national and international labor unions and represents workers from all walks of life. Together, we seek to improve the lives of working families to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation.

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