Do Not Talk So Fast! Think Before You Speak!

Proddatur (LGBT-GR-TYP-BIN)

(Picture Source: dailygrace.blogspot.com)

(Picture Source: dailygrace.blogspot.com)

A Righteous Man Studies Before Answering

‘Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him. Proverbs 29:20’

Slow down! Do not talk so fast! Think before you speak! Make sure you know what you are talking about before sounding off. A person that talks fast, talks often, and answers quickly is worse than a fool. A fool will get in trouble due to ignorance, but a man who answers or speaks before thinking is going to be punished. He is worse than a fool.

God’s wisdom is simple – “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jas 1:19). You have two ears and one mouth: let this proportion be reflected in your listening and speaking. Many have their mouths running before their minds are in gear, and they are a danger to themselves and a stench to others.

A righteous man studies before answering; wicked men pour out verbal nonsense without study. The good man is cautious before speaking, because he wants to make certain he only speaks the words of truth. The arrogant fool likes to hear himself talk, so he is busy talking whenever possible, regardless of truth.

Have you ever met a person who answers before questions are fully posed? Have you ever done this? It is folly and shame to answer a dilemma you have not yet fully heard. What causes a man to answer so presumptuously? Arrogance and conceit! He is so sure of himself, he talks without deliberation; there is more hope of a fool.

Fools are stupid, but hasty and impulsive talkers are proud. There is some hope to help a fool overcome his stupidity and stubbornness, but there is less or no hope to help a proud man see his deficiencies in character and conduct to change them. His self-righteous confidence, the greatest of sins, will not allow him to be corrected. He will not seek a multitude of counselors to obtain safety, because he assumes he is right.

Fools say all that is in their minds without any necessity or request, but a wise man will listen carefully to see if he ought to tell what he knows or not. This is wisdom, reader. No one wants to know your opinion or thoughts until they ask for it, and then they want you to stay on topic and only say things you have previously confirmed as truth.

How many have brought God’s judgment down on them for speaking hastily in the house of God? It is better not to vow, than to vow and not pay. Sober reflection is superior to the crackling of fools. They merely make a lot of vain noise. It can also happen in writing, so be cautious before replying with a hasty email. Slow men are better than fast men, and hasty thoughts will get you in trouble.

If you want to please God and men with your life, then slowdown in speech and be careful about every word, for many words often lead to sin. Let your speech be always with grace and seasoned only a little with criticism or rebuke. If you love pureness of heart, your speech will be gracious and promote you with great men. This result is totally opposite the hopeless destruction of the fast-talking fool.


Doruvu Paul Jagan Babu: International Correspondent GR-TYP-BIN-USPA-WN-IAIJ
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