Democracy, Rule of Law, Human Rights, Media freedom, judicial reforms, all seems to be getting outdated issues day by day as no substantial reforms or achievements are seen in any of these fields since long time, except hearing these words like parrot-cries. And simply by hooting on those issues from time to time in one or the other plotforms of the media or in acadamic seminares by media tycoons, by social reformists, Judges, bureaucrats and Law makers, just we are making a show off to the innocent public through electronic and print media and projecting ourselves as sincere and honest intellectual bigwigs, playing a grate role in the society and striving a lot to reform these institutions for the benefit of people. ….. But nothing is true.


Because, nothing can be achieved by those bigwigs or the common public unless the unwritten rudimentary behaviour and attitudes of those bigwigs and people are changed substantially right from top to bottom levels, because realities are different from idealistic talks and discussions. First with out changing our own attitudes and behavour how can we succeed in getting our institutions reformed?  No body is coming forward to pledge that they will change their attitudes and behavour first, but coming to the public Dias to preach ethics to others and to change this and that. Since how long we are not observing this trend? We heard several idealistc preachings and speeches, but is there any practical change in the situation of our institutions or in the way of life?  No, because institutions can never be reformed or they get changed just with the introduction of new inititatives or rules and regulations, because all those institutions are run by the people whose attitudes and behaviour is unchanged. So the results remain unchanged. So, any Seminars, workshops, public meetings, debates, and discussions held or writings done on institutional reforms at national or international levels, all go in vain, because they are being run by the people with unchanged attitudes and behaviour. So, we must always try to discuss on how to change our behaviour and attitudes first, not to change our institutions with new experiments and unrealistic ideas.


So nothing can be done by mere hootings on idealistic reforms in the existing institutions run by us, unless we change our attitudes first. This is not pissimism, but a Ground Reality.  dchaitanya  


D. Chaitanya: I am advocate & writer. Wrote many articles in International Media.
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