According to Pakistan People Party sources newly elected president of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari will take oath of his office on Tuesday, he was elected by two third majority vote in result of 6th September presidential elections polling.
According to a local journalist thousands of articles were written against Mr. Asif Ali Zardari in international media and around eleven hundred anti Zardari articles were written in Pakistani media, prior to 6th September polling day.
Newly elected president of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari and his martyred wife Muhtarima Benazir Bhutto shaheed both had struggled for restoration of democracy in Pakistan, Mr. Zardari on charges of murder of his own brother in law Meer Murtaza Bhutto shaheed and on various other charges were kept in confinement by Musharaf regime but no charges against him were proved in court of law, after eight years of imprisonment he was released by dictator Musharaf.
Pakistani leaders and public both are good learners and listeners, political leaders and public both become secure when state institutions and political institutions become compatible with democratic norms of behavior. Contradictory mod of state apparatus and political institutions to democratic norms of behavior paves the way for establishment of dictatorship.
Pakistan’s political institutions and state institutions if reformed swiftly to meet requirements of true democracy Mr. Asif Ali Zardari and his other party colleagues will earn a big name in history for themselves.
Submitted by
Abdur Raziq
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