Obama Addresses Second Amendment In Idaho Speech

While it was his first time to Idaho, Obama was welcomed by a crowd of thousands.

So they told me that there weren’t any Democrats in Idaho,” the Democratic hopeful proclaimed. He added: “That’s what they told me but I did not believe them!”

Throughout his speech addressing the crowd in Idaho, Obama had targeted the young and independent voting blocs. He would use the caucuses in Iowa as an example of his success and win with voters who did not usually vote or usually vote conservative.

“For the first time in anybody’s memory we had folks 30 and under voting at the same rate as people 60 and over. It has not happened in a generation but it was happening in this election,” Obama had addressed.

Obama said that independents and many Republicans gave their support to him even when the pundits told him it would not happen.

“We keep on defying the conventional wisdom,” Obama added.

The message Obama gave also focused on the conservative crowd. He would speak about the Second Amendment. This was something Obama that had not done in the past.

In regards to the Second Amendment, Obama said: “There are people who say he doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment even though I come from a state…we got a lot of hunders in the state of Illinois…and I have no intention of taking away folks; guns.”

Idaho which also has a large population of those that practice the Mormon faith, Obama noted the funeral for Gordon B. Hinckley in Utah. Hinckley was the president of the Church of Latter-day Saints.

Can Tran:
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