Throughout the duration of the US Presidential race, the campaign for Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama of Illinois has employed numerous conventional and ingenious ideas to advertise. So far, it has been revealed that the campaign has paid for an in-game ad for the Xbox 360 game called “Burnout Paradise.”
Prelude to game 6 of the World Series of Major League Baseball (MLB), the Obama campaign had bought a 30-minute ad.
The campaign is using another method: the text message. There is the good old text messaging method. So far as a means to drive a massive turnout, the campaign is using simple text messages.
It is using the millions of cell-phone numbers it amassed for a text-message blast.
“Barack Obama is reaching a generation that is trying to change the world in 160 characters or less,” according to David All. All is a political consultant that works for the GOP in regards to using the internet as a strategic tool.
According to All, using the technological advantage of the Internet is working very well for Obama. So far, it seems that text messaging looks to be effective in cost and getting the message out.
According to Andrew Rasiej, one of the founders of, GOP nominee Senator John McCain of Arizona and his campaign started the internet campaign late.
So far, it looks like the early bird catches the worm. In regards to utilizing the technology of the Internet, the Obama campaign has caught that worm.
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