Obama Funds Family Planning Overseas

            President Obama reversed a ban today, which kept US taxpayer dollars from funding international agencies that provide abortion services. The ban, known as the “Mexico City Policy,” was enacted in the eighties by then President Ronald Reagan. The ban would not allow American taxpayer money to go to governments or agencies that promoted abortion as part of family planning. The Mexico City Policy also included non governmental monies in this ban on global abortion.

            However, the plan may have been implemented by Reagan but was removed during Clinton’s Presidency, but then restored by George W. Bush. President Obama released a paper statement stating that, "We are reminded that this decision not only protects women’s health and reproductive freedom but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose." Apparently freedom means the ability to kill a living being while still in the womb.
            I will never understand how people can be so callous when it comes to the life of an unborn child and now we, as Americans, are going to be promoting it on a global scale. Perhaps, we should just get it over with and adopt China’s “One Child Policy,” and save us some trouble.
ABC News
Nicholos Poma: I have a Bachelors of Science and Information Technology Degree. I served in the United States Army as a tactical communications specialist from 1983 until 1989. I re-enlisted into the service after 911 and before the push into Baghdad. However, in 2005 my term of enlistment was up and I seperated from the service.

My interests include politics, theology, and technology. I am also a singer songwriter and enjoy playing my guitar when the mood strikes me. I run 4 blogs and I write for a few content sites.
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