I have lost my voice since Barack Obama became President. Gone are the halcyon days of Bush and Cheney when every day brought a new sense of outrage and the irrepressible desire to write. I look back with longing to that marvelous feeling that I was making a difference by speaking out against stupidity. How I long to write an ironical, slightly condescending piece full of smug indigence, arrogance and flippant humor.
Each morning, I scan the Internet and it is as if this Obama man has read my mind. Shut down Guantanamo. Eliminate nuclear weapons. Treat the world community with respect. Re-deploy troops to Afghanistan. Focus on the dignity of the working class. Reign in the mortgage bankers and credit card dealers. Put GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy. Take back the bail-out bonuses. Show that all the AIG money ended up in Sachs of Gold. Take climate change seriously. Reform the Pentagon budget.
This man has stolen my tongue and I fear the tongues of many other GroundReport contributors in the United States, because I haven’t seen as many articles from my favorite reporters in the last couple of months. But how can I blame them. No one is going to read an article that says, “This guy is great. He got it right again”.
P.S.: Condolences to Jon Stewart. Careful what you wish for: it may destroy your shtick.
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