Obama On An Image Saving Mission To Afghanistan After ObamaCare?

Am I the only American that found it interesting that as soon as the ink was dried on the most controversial, and egregious unconstitutional taxation law against the American people since FDR, Mr. Obama immediately went on an "unscheduled" visit to Afghanistan in a highly publicized meeting with the U.S. troops still stationed there now nine long years after 9-11.

Could this just possibly be an image tour created by Mr. Obama’s marketing team in order to deflect attention from the travesty of this past two weeks, and also hope to gain a little support from those independent vote casting Baggers that still support the war in its present form, absent any real focus on capturing Osama bin Laden as occurred with the Bush Administration?

Much was made of this trip, a "surprise" one at that.

And much hype publicized over Mr. Obama’s speech to the troops asking them to "perservere" and using the flag and patriotism once again with the "Americans don’t quit" jargon for these men and women, some of which are on their third or fourth tours of duty, with no end to this war yet in sight.

Nor any real focus on bin Laden whatsoever.

Gracious accolades were also heaped upon the American people by the Afghanistan government, thanking all the taxpayers for funding the rebuilding efforts there for those government contractors that are rebuilding Afghanistan now from the ground up after the American invasion post 9-11.

Before, of course, the focus was shifted to Iraq and Saddam Hussein’s past transgressions on the guise that he was harboring Taliban members and was friendly toward Al Qaeda.

Seems to me the consensus of those on the Hill that spend their hours devising political strategy and maneuvers (which are also paid by the American taxpayers) in advising our leaders in ways to skirt around the Constitution for political party and individual governmental officials campaign benefits most of all, must have advised Mr. Obama after the absolute desecration of the United States Constitution this health deform legislation engenders, to "get outta Dodge."

And wave the flag with the troops for the folks back home until things cool down.

Do you think?


Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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