In front of the crowd, Obama had said that the government is designed for everybody and that there is anxiety that it is not.
“They feel like the education system isn’t designed for people like us, and the job market isn’t designed for people like us. And trying to get a mortgage isn’t designed for people like us. And health care is not designed for people like us,” Obama shouted to the crowd.
“Well let me tell you something, this is our country. America should be designed for people like us. That’s why I am running for president of the United States of America, for all people, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight all people,” Obama added.
“Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard some cynical talk about how black folks and white folks and Latinos cannot come together. We’ve heard it before,” Obama explained. He added: “We’ve heard talk about the so-called black-brown divide, and whenever I hear this I take it seriously because im reminded of Latino brothers and sisters that I worked alongside the streets of Chicago more than two weeks ago.”
Before the Democratic primary takes place, Obama campaigned in south central Los Angeles in the morning. He directed his message to the minority crowd. Obama would speak about the economy and reform to immigration.
“We have to stop letting those in power turn us against each other. No place do I see this more than in our immigration debate. I am tired of people of people using this as a political football,” he addressed. He added: “We need to solve this problem.”
Obama would explain that he worked on immigration reform with both Senators Ted Kennedy and US GOP presidential hopeful Senator John McCain.
Obama tried his best to identify with the Latino voters. He said he should learn Spanish and speak to them about his father’s emigration to the United States.
“My father when he came here, he didn’t look like you know – he didn’t look like he stepped off the Mayflower. But we have to remember the history of immigration in this country. When the Irish first came, people were anti-Irish, when the Italians first came, people were anti-Italian and so we’ve got to remember our own past history,” Barack Obama had said.
He added: “And let me remind everybody that not everybody who came in through Ellis Island had their papers in order.”
Then, he would take questions from the crowd which was not something he had done since campaigning in South Carolina.