Obama Takes National Lead According To Latest CBS/NY Times Poll

Amongst the Democratic primary voters, United States Democratic presidential hopeful and frontrunner Barack Obama has taken a 16-point lead over his rival United States Democratic presidential hopeful and co-frontrunner Hillary Clinton when it comes to the primary voters across the country.

Obama has won 11 straight contests after the Super Tuesday contests on February 5. In the past, Clinton had a lead over Obama. After Super Tuesday, Obama was virtually tied with Clinton. The contests after Super Tuesday, Obama has taken a lead over Clinton.

According to this poll, it shows that Clinton is losing her lead amongst her main voting bloc: women voters. Recently while in Ohio, Obama has courted women over fifty while hosting a roundtable event at a retirement home. Women over fifty were a key constituency with Clinton. It shows that both Obama and Clinton are even amongst the female voters in the primaries.

However, in a disproportionate amount, more men have favored Obama as their choice of a Democratic candidate. Obama has taken that lead over Clinton by 67 to 28 percent. Among white men, it is 61 to 33 percent.

Fifty-mine percent of the primary voters felt that Obama has the best chance of beating McCain, who looks to be the eventual Republican nominee. Twenty-eight percent said that Clinton is the most likely to win the general election come November.

It looks as if Obama will become the eventual Democratic nominee. Over two-thirds of the Democratic primary voters expect that Obama will win the US Democratic nomination for US president.

In the case of a possible Obama vs. McCain lineup, it was split with voters. However, Obama has a 10 point lead over McCain when it comes to independents. McCain beats Clinton with independent voters by 17 points.

They say that the differences between Obama and Clinton are not in regards to the various issues. When it comes to issues, most see that there are no differences between the two candidates.

But they have identified Obama as someone who cares a lot about them and makes them feel inspired and hopeful about the future. They also say that Obama is the one who will known when and how much to compromise with the Republicans to get things done. They also add that Obama is able to bring forth change to Washington than Clinton is able to.

On an interesting note, the involvement of Hillary Clinton’s husband, former US President Bill Clinton has split the Democrats up.

On the GOP side, while there are many that are willing to accept McCain as the Republican nominee, most of them are not that enthusiastic. McCain is still having trouble courting the conservative voting bloc of the GOP.

Mike Huckabee’s refusal to drop out of the Republican race has forced John McCain to remain focused on the primaries than the general elections.

Also, Ralph Nader, the consumer advocate has made his presidential bid. It is unknown what factor this could possibly play. Nader has been considered a spoiler by many Democrats. Hillary Clinton said that it was regrettable that Ralph Nader would seek another presidential run.

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