Obamacare Townhalls: Let’s Make A Deal? Or Green Slime And Feathers?

The focus this month on the townhall meetings and such which have been conducted across the nation bears at this point bringing up some rather obvious observations from this reporter and baby boomer generation American.

What in the world is going on here?

Lately, these townhall style meetings have come into vogue with our Congressional leaders. Before recently, these type meetings were deemed "public hearings," and usually went untelevised, and were called usually because some citizen got wind of some unconstitutional legislation, and was a forum for the betraying "representative" to defend mostly his actions, or at least answer his accusers.

Now they appear to be more intended for public exposure for the Congressional members, and in order to keep their faces before the public when they know damn well they are going to pass the questioned legislation whether the public likes it or not.

It gives them a measure to use for political purposes promoting their individual positions with respect to the legislation or their party’s, while the wheeling and dealing that has gone on in the backroom between the two political parties for re-election purposes on such legislation is kept behind those closed doors.

Keep in mind this legislation on health care reform, while fundamentally unconstitutional on its face, is simply being debated as to what the bill will eventually entail.

Not that the entire bill is a slap in the face of our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights provisions contained within it that any such function of Congress to even entertain such a bill would need an amendment in order for them to so do.

Instead, it appears these townhall meetings are actually being used like shareholder meetings in corporate America. A forum for the shareholders to vent to the CEOs, rather than be acknowledged as the true "owners" of the corporate and as such needing their "express" approval for any such "corporate" undertaking.

It appears we have more and more CEO types in Washington, than true actual citizens or "representatives" of the people. And ignorance of our Constitution really is no excuse whatsoever, especially with respect to this legislation.

After all, it is merely 23 pages, and written in English, not Spanish.

And the American taxpayers are paying for literally hundreds of lawyers for those representatives just in case they failed high school or grammar school English classes.

Townhall meetings for PR purposes simply detracts from the ultimate question here, and also appears these meetings are being also inflamed by the shear presence of the media in the process. I wonder how many had placed their own corporate press representatives at the meetings in order to either "sell" Obamacare to make this rougue Administration look good for the next cocktail party circuit, or "inflame" the public in order to sell their corporate parties agenda as an "alternative" for election 2010?

When by this time it should be clear that both parties work for the Wall Street bankers, and not our Constitution or the actual legal American citizens in this country in any manner whatsoever. Merely their "corporate" best interests – their own re-election and stock portfolios.

Otherwise, just why are these Congressmen specifically including their own exemption from any such federally concocted program, or provisions?

And if it takes 1,000 page bills at this point to write laws in this country, then the entire point seems to be to fill them with legalese for the eventual benefit of the legal industry. So maybe most of those sums marked for educational purposes need to go to America’s law schools so they can get back to basics once again, instead of focusing on "science based technology," since mastering the basics in simply reading comprehension quite obviously still hasn’t been achieved for most now graduating from America’s universities.

And just who is alerting the press on the location of these townhall meetings? The Congressional staffers, no doubt. Certainly not the Joe the Plumber Americans.

These aren’t townhall meetings at all. What the true agendas can only be likened to would be meetings with the Congressional Monty Hall in Washington’s version of "Let’s Make A Deal."

How about when the next townhall meeting is announced in your local area, America, bringing the buckets with the green slime instead?

And a few feathers. I’d even go so far as to say the noose, but then I might be accused of being a "one issue" Right Wing Terrorist.

When my "one issue" is actually how far afield we have now gone from the true patriots and leaders who gave their blood, treasure and honor to establish a new nation which provided that treason such as what this legislation truly entails in much of its provisions with respect to Bill of Rights protections, and those in the prior stimulus providing for the "National Healthcare Database" including Americans private health care records federally accessible, is really the highest criminal offense in this country of all.

The criminals are dictating the terms here, America. And you are lowering yourself to "debating" them, rather than calling a spade a spade outright?

What it appears all have forgotten is that there is a Rule of Law and if Congress was doing their jobs in accordance with it, this health care crisis need not have occurred, and rather than taking over health care which leaves Big Daddy in the position of determining who lives and dies without real citizen recourse in the event of denials of treatment, calling them on their negligence.

Health care providers merely exist on rate payers premiums, and were never intended to be "for profit" entities at all.  They ALL were co-ops at one point.  And what is needed is Congressional regulation of the global and national entities now doing business in this country, and the policies that they are selling to the public.

And regulating sufficiently at the state levels the medical professionals and doctors who are incorporated and licensed within those states, and removal of their licenses if guilty of gross negligence under the three strike rules and common law.

And a national database set up for citizens complaints on both insurers, doctors or health care networks that deny treatments, hike premiums without provation, or abuse the system and rape the insurance companies in billing for double tests, or fraudulent claims.

And rinstituting once again the common law lids which existed since the Magna Carta on punitive damage awards for gross negligence to three times the amount of the actual loss or damage.  That would also lower doctors professional liability costs and more would then stay in practice.  Right now, our birth survival rate is less than that of Cuba since so many left obstetrics once those lids were removed and could not longer afford to practice in what were considered "high risk" areas.

No wonder Obama and Congress are so big on "political correctness" and governmentally defined "healthy" debate.

How about this then: When the people and this nation’s honor has been impuned by those charged to protect and honor the sacrifices made by so many Americans to protect those freedoms and our Constitution as a government "of the people" and not the corporate, has been violated in the most deliberate and unlawful way possible now consistently for well over a decade with respect to taxation, war, and on behalf of corporate special interests, many foreign at that, by those now serving in Washington in all three branches and its unaccountable and unregulated Reserve Bank owned by greedy "European" bankers at that, has the time honored tradition of dueling also been outlawed at this point?

Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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