Obama’s Israel Speech Draws Fire From Hamas And The Palestinian Authority

Today, presumed Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama of Illinois had addressed the Jewish Community with a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC). In the past, presumed GOP nominee Senator John McCain of Arizona attacked Obama saying that the Palestinian militant group wants him as US President.

Former US President Jimmy Carter received much backlash after agreeing to meet with Hamas in the country of Syria. At the Hay Festival in Wales, Carter had urged the European Union (EU) to break away from the United States and lift the sanctions off of Gaza.

Now, Obama said that he gives full support to Israel. This speech had brought forth backlash from both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. In short, Obama’s ticked off both Palestinian groups.

Hamas called it US hostility towards Arabs and Muslims.

We consider the statements of Obama to be further evidence of the hostility of the American administration to Arabs and Muslims,” said Sami Abu Zuhri, the spokesman for Hamas.

“We reject these words,” said Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas added: “Jerusalem is one of the files under negotiation. The entire world knows perfectly well that we will never accept a state without (east) Jerusalem (as its capital). That should be clear.”

Obama was also blasted by Saeb Erakat, the top Palestinian negotiator. Erakat said that Obama’s speech casts doubt of peace between Israel and Palestine.

It is highly likely that Israel-Palestine relations will be a hot topic in the general elections between Obama and McCain. For now, Obama’s under fire from both the Palestinian groups.

Can Tran:
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