Obesity worse than HIV/AIDS

Herbal slimming expert and beautician has said that pot-bellied men and women who think their stature is an evidence of good living and affluence are deceiving themselves as they stand the risk of poor health and sudden death.

People of such stature are overweight and obese, noting that their case is worse than HIV/AIDS. She anchored her opinion on the fact that while HIV/AIDS could easily be diagnosed after laboratory test and managed and does not result in sudden death, obesity is difficult to diagnose as it gradually develops to overweight and leads to sudden death due to related dangerous health implications.

The widely-travelled herbal guru, who has brought significant innovations to slimming and beauty therapist using natural herbs also noted that herbal medicine is the ultimate for management of obesity.
"It is only herbal medicine that has been able to quickly and effectively break down fats in the body mechanism and bring final solution to obesity. These are medically referred to as lipotrapic herbs".

Obesity simply means excess of body fats. It is excessive or too much of index mass the body can carry. Excessive body mass otherwise known as overweight which degenerates to obesity is commonly on the side of the tummy. A normal tummy of a man is not supposed to be more than 30 inches. It is better to be less. If it is more than 30, the man is overweight. For a woman of 25 years and above, the normal size of the tummy should not be more than 28. Anything more than that is overweight. Thirty inches and above is obesity.

To be able to determine the size, a tape rule is usually used to measure the waist. The bottomline is that if the body mass, is too much for the body to carry, it simply means overweight, which oftentime, degenerates to obesity, which is a dangerous health condition.

Those who are excessively fat, having pot-bellies or tummies and believe their stature is an evidence of good living and affluence are deceiving themselves. Some people’s overweight condition has already degenerated to obesity unknown to them. Others are also already unknowingly heading for obesity. Both categories have to do something about their conditions. They need to check their weight before it degenerates to obesity. Also, obesity can be managed to bring the condition to normal and the most effective way to do this is by good diet or eating habit, exercise as well as application of the relevant herbal medicine.

Causes of obesity
Several causes are responsible for obesity. Common among them are bad feeding habit, especially over eating or eating in between meals; poor or wrong diet. Another major cause of obesity is medication, such as steroids which leads to chronic pains, making doctors recommend analgesies which makes users feel abnormally hungry prompting them to eat excessively.

Research has also proved that alcohol and excessive smoking is also a cause of obesity. Moreso, diseases such as diabetes, hypertension are associated with obesity. In such conditions, the digestive system may not function effectively, especially due to diabetes, a situation whereby people in such condition cannot breathe out carbondioxide. Also, they cannot digest carbohydrate easily. Excessive sugar in the body system can also lead to obesity.

Most time, some people believe that obesity could be hereditary. In a given lineage, every family member could be overweight and later become obese. People in the family may not bother to do anything about their condition because of the opinion of heredity. Whether heredity or not, they stand all the risks or the health implications of obesity. They really need to do something about it by avoiding or managing it.

Obesity worse than HIV/AIDS
Obesity can well be described as a case worse than HIV/AIDS because HIV/AIDS could easily be diagnosed after tests and managed and does not result in sudden death, but obesity is difficult to diagnose as it gradually develops from overweight and leads to sudden death due to related dangerous health implications.

Obesity is a silent killer because obese people suffer from associated diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, gall bladder disease, kidney strongly among others. They are also prone to ulcer, breathlessness, enlarged heart and snoring.
In other words, obesity is more complex than HIV/AIDS. A serious campaign need to be put up against the condition by government instead of concentrated efforts against HIV/AIDS.

Women prone to obesity than men
Obesity is more common among women than men because they are the ones in the kitchen. They are prone to excessive eating which easily lead to overweight and degenerate to obesity.
On the other hand, an obese man snores more than female obese patients because theirs is on the tummy area than the female whose overweight or obesity is all over their body. Also, obese men are more prone to hypertension than women. A basic social implication of obesity among men is in the area of dressing. Most of them cannot wear jacket or suit except native wears.

Management of obesity
Obesity can well be managed effectively and be conquered permanently. This is one of the major pre-occupation at Quincy Herbal Slimmers. The ultimate remedy for the condition is herbal medicine. All treatments are administered with natural herbs. In managing obesity or overweight using natural herbs, the obese or overweight can lose more than 10 kg and 10 inches within 10 days. We also specialize in skin treatment and breasts enlargement, among others.
Other ways of managing overweight or obesity could be personal. People in the condition could work on their diet by eating healthy. Good diets they can eat include vegetables, grains, locust beans rich in fibre to open up the bowels to pass out the fats easily.

In any case, it is not advisable for an obese patient to embark on self-medication by buying herbs or other drugs and apply. They need to see an expert doctor who will first of all diagnose and ascertain the nature of the illness before the right drugs are applied accordingly.
The best personal management style of overweight or obesity is exercise. People in the condition could wake up in their room and embark on stressing, sit up and remain active throughout dinner. They should avoid late night dinner. They shouldn’t eat anything after 7 pm. They should avoid fatty foods like groundnut, vegetable oil, palm oil which have much cholestrol and carbohydrate. They should rather eat calculated proteins with limited carbohydrates.

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