Categories: NewsWorld

Odd reference in the “Book of the Damned”

Book of the Damned

I have always been intrigued by a particular report of illuminous objects coming out of the sea in 1845, approximately 900 miles east of Adalia, Asia Minor. Adalia is a port city in southwestern Turkey on the Gulf of Antalya.

I think what makes this case so interesting is the fact that we have both time and location coordinates that puts us within a half miles radius of where this event actually happened.

This particular report was first cited in a Report of the British Association, 1861-30.

It reads as follows:

That, upon June 18, 1845, according to the *Malta Times*, from the 
brig *Victoria*, about 900 miles east of Adalia, Asia Minor (36 degrees, 
40 minutes, 56 seconds, N. Lat.: 13 degrees, 44 minutes, 36 seconds E. 
Long.), three luminous bodies were seen to issue from the sea, at about 
half a mile from the vessel. They were visible about ten minutes.

As far as I know, this area has never been explored in terms of what might be underwater here.

It’s a real life unexplained mystery.

It is also mentioned in “The Book of the  Damned” (source: http://books.google.com/books?id=SLB60VxavDsC&pg=PA274&lpg=PA274&dq=Adalia,+Asia+Minor&source=bl&ots=BNNDdaT8hp&sig=JEHHaAwtJDBEBHT6-f4hOJH8wwQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jOm6Ure2Iob1oATm8oG4Bg&ved=0CFcQ6AEwCQ#v=one).



Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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