Omar undermining national identity by condoning crimes of ISIS:Jugal

BJP State President and MP Jugal Kishore Sharma

Jammu, October 16, (Scoop News)- Sharing the concerns of GOC of the Army’s 15 Corps, Lt Gen Subrata Saha, that the waving of ISIS flags thrice in Srinagar in recent days constituted a very serious development, BJP State President and MP Jugal Kishore Sharma on Thursday accused the Omar Abdullah-led NC-Congress coalition government of being callous and irresponsible.
“By describing the recent hoisting of ISIS flags by masked Kashmiri youths in the heart of Srinagar city as an isolated non-event and criticing the ever-alert media for highlighting the anti-India events and their grave implications for the national identity, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah only condoned the crimes committed by ISIS recruits/idolisers,” said the BJP MP, adding that his assertion that what happened in Srinagar on the Eid day under the nose of the state police was a handiwork of “idiots” and it should not be blown out of proportion could be construed as most irresponsible conduct on his part. “By saying what he said about the despicable act, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah not only lowered the dignity of the constitutional office he holds, but also disappointed the nation which expected him to act against the operatives/supporters of the ISIS, a bunch of ruffians and brute be-headers,” Sharma further said. Omar Abdullah needed to put in his papers if he considered him incompetent and incapable of discharging his constitutional obligations towards the people of the state and nation as a whole, the BJP MP said.
Sharma said that had the government of Omar Abdullah acted on the day the ISIS recruits/idolisers raised their ugly heads and crushed them with heavy hands, things in the Valley today would have been somewhat different and no one would have dared to hoist the black flags of the ISIS, which has become a potential threat to world peace. Sharma charged the Chief Minister with compromising national unity for vote-bank politics and warned that the BJP would not allow him to further complicate the matters in the Kashmir Valley.
“Things in New Delhi have changed. The nation has booted the irresponsible and minority–appeaser Congress-led UPA out of power and handed over the state power to the BJP-led NDA that is religiously committed to defeating the negative forces wherever and in whatever form they are, maintaining unity and territorial integrity of India, promoting social harmony and communal amity and achieving for the country a status of world leader,” the BJP MP asserted, and added that Omar Abdullah would do well to appreciate the changed situation and behave accordingly. He also urged the people of the state to watch with vigilance the activities of the irresponsible and militant-friendly NC-Congress coalition government, saying the coalition of defeated and desperate parties could play any mischief anytime for the sake of votes and reassured them that the BJP, unlike the Congress-led UPA, will not let them down and defeat all those who are working for disintegration of India.
source http://scoopnews.in/det.aspx?q=41633

Scoop News: Jammu and Kashmir
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