One corrupt contracting officer in Afghanistan cost the United States millions of dollars

Areal view of prison of Pol-i-Charkhi. 

I received the following email communication today from Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). It read as follows:

“Hi Mr. Tilford,

Today, SIGAR released an inspection of the Pol-i-Charkhi Prison, Afghanistan’s largest correctional facility.

The report notes:

–More than 5 years after renovation began, Pol-i-Charkhi prison has not been completed, and the contract with Al-Watan Construction Company (AWCC) has been terminated.

–State department paid AWCC $18.5 million on a $20.2 million contract, over 90 percent of the contract amount, even though only 50 percent of work was completed.

–An independent firm identified defective workmanship, including, soil settlement issues & failure to connect back-up generators to the prison’s power grid.

–A corrupt contracting officer’s representative (COR) was a factor in the oversight breakdown of the renovation work, and another COR who resigned his position was a factor in the financial settlement for AWCC.

–Pol-i-Charkhi prison is being used, but is overcrowded with prisoners housed in hallways. The prison was designed for about 5,000 prisoners, but currently houses about 7,400.

Report: http://www.sigar.mil/pdf/inspections/SIGAR-15-11-IP.pdf 

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sigarhq/sets/72157648603449548/ 

If you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.


Alex Bronstein-Moffly
Acting Director of Public Affairs
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction ”


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