Chitral: A One day training workshop on nature resource management for the Members of Village Conservation Committees and local Community in order to build their capacity in Conservation and management of Nature resources in the Fragile eco system of Laspur Valley.
The workshop was organized by the World Wide Fund for nature Pakistan Field Office Chitral; there were 33 male and female participants from the Village Conservation Committees, Traditional nature resource Management groups and Government Wildlife department staffs participated . WWF-Pakistan has initiated a Community based Snow Leopard Conservation and improved watershed management project in the area.
The workshop was opened by Mr. Shafiqullah Khan Field Biologist WWF-Pakistan Chitral , who said“ that the main objectives of the workshop is the build the capacity of local people in Conservation of the Nature resources in the area and to reduce the threat of environmental degradation and loss of habitats and over grazing.
Kashif shahzad,Chitral KP Pakistan, 17200
Cell: 92+3455124308