With the governor Mr. Peter Obi at helm of affairs, the local and state governments could liaise to formulate sound environmental course of actions and principles that will revive
Environmental deterioration in
A city that had produced great legal and political bigwigs like Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sir Louis Mbanef and others, who were in vanguard of
All stakeholders -politicians, government executives even public companies (as a result of their social responsibilities) must seize the opportunity at this moment to act on the best interest of the masses. Initiating a master plan and mustering the will-power to move forward must be the order of the day. The electorates have rendered power or mandate to the leaders through their elections into offices for an all-encompassing performance. With the exception of God, no other is more sacred than the votes of the electorates. The Governor and Chairmen of the local governments need no extra mandate than the power already derived from the people as reinforced in the constitution. Leadership must therefore, take the bull by its horns, by nipping this menace in the bud.
The major environmental defect is the refuse abandonment, which must be tackled to accomplish the lofty task of creating and cultivating sustainable strategies for a cleaner environment in
"Trash receptacles will be strategically placed to ensure that the public is given ample opportunity to dispose of litter. Messages will be stenciled on the trash barrels to enlighten the public on how to properly dispose of litter. This will help to ensure that trash is removed before runoff; wind or birds move it to the drainage channel. Trash containers are to be emptied at a minimum of once a week. All collected trash and debris will to be hauled to an approved landfill by licensed solid waste disposal vehicles. Vehicles used to haul the debris shall have a sealed bottom to prevent leaks or seepage, and the trash materials shall be covered while the load is in transit. All personnel will be instructed the correct procedure for trash disposal."
External monitors and strategists in the form of experts, consultants and managers are needed to work with government. Government alone cannot segregate itself from the private enterprises towards the planning and implementation of sustainable clean environment. In the free market economy, the presence of private industries does enable fast delivery of services and portends well for probity, transparency and it deepens capitalistic democracy.
I personally call on the Governor: His Excellency Peter Obi to use the power of his persuasive office to show leadership and to empower the
Emeka Chiakwelu is an Environmental & Ecosystem expert in
Africa Political and
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