I want to know whether the resignation of the ministers is enough to fight terrorism? Do we don’t want to have strong anti- terror law, better equipped police force so that people like Hemant Karkare do not die? Isn’t it important to take strong action against terrorism and hang Afzal Guru? Are we to get caught in the silly political game called "resignation" or any other?
Is the navy and the coast guards not responsible for this disaster? Is the Central Government not irresponsible and ungrateful towards M.C. Sharma? Can we have media channels propagating those who died protecting our security?
Can the media propagate a public movement for taking strong steps against terror? Isn’t it time that we don’t get engaged in stupid political games and actually unite the people of this country and force the central government to take strong action against terror?
Please help in avoiding future disaster. Please help India become happy and peaceful. Please secure your and my future.Please do not let the sacrifice of the brave souls go in vain by getting caught in political games. Don’t get diverted from the crying need of the hour that is "Safety and Security".
Jai Hind