1) Every osteoporotic bone fracture doubles the risk of death.
2) The annual global rate of osteoporotic fractures in women is greater than their combined risk rates of heart attack,stroke and breast cancer.
3) Each year, a staggering 1.5 million fractures are caused worldwide by osteoporosis; 3,00,000 are hip fractures and 7,00,000 are vertebral.
4) Research by Prof.John Allan Eisman,Director,Bone and Mineral Research Program,University of New South Wales,highlights that the number of osteoporosis patients in India is double the population of Australia!
5) One in two women and one in eight men over 50 years of age have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime.In India,the incidence is higher.One in three women and one in six men are likely to get osteoporosis before they hit 50.
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