Our Responsibilities To The New Immigrants

The never ending stream of immigrants that flock to the United States annually have a responsibility to extend an effort to contribute to the new nation that has extended an invitation so willingly. Likewise, the United States has a resonsibility to new immigrants to assist them in their assimilation into a new culture, as do we each as citizens in making them feel welcome, in much the same manner as we would a visitor to our homes. New immigrants start at the bottom of the social and economic totem pole, simply because in many instances they are strange people in a strange new land. The skills and customs of their old country of origin may not transfer well into American culture, and even after residing in the U.S.A. for some time, many struggle to adapt.

Our responsibilities to new immigrants begins with a brief education of what it means to be an American Citizen, including an explanation of our laws and civic duties. Beyond that, we need to make certain that our social services are adeqaute to handle the needs of individuals that are temporarily experiencing a "culture shock" in terms of language, housing and finding employment. To immerse a new immigrant in the complexities of America without assistance or support is neither in the best interest of the country nor the immigrant, and in the long-term both will pay a price for societal indifference. As a nation we need to invest our resources temporarily in those who are willing to be good citizens and good Americans, and realize it is a often lengthy process.

Our responsibilities to new immigrants extends to ensure the full weight of American justice applies to them equally, without prejudice or barriers. We need ever constant oversight to ensure that all immigrants have access to education, social services, health care, and that their voice be heard when denied due process without fear of reprisal. We collectively need to explain in detail their civil and human rights are guaranteed by our system of government, and that transgressions of either will not be tolerated. We should encourage immigrants at every opportunity to become active in our democratic processes, to voice their opinions freely, and to take a stand when they see situations that are intolerable.

Finally, our responsibilities to new immigrants are to clear a path for their pursuit of the "American Dream" unfettered by differences in language or culture. This is by no means to imply they deserve a hand-out, just a hand-up to a better life and a better America.

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