When you see the stream of white behind an airplane in the sky, do you think it is only water vapour?
That lovely white cloud whether seen or unseen is said to be a cocktail of deadly gases that are contributing to global warming.
And at 25,000 to 50,000 feet, Nitrous-di-Oxide affects the ozone layer directly causing more damage than any emissions on the ground.
So from the over 16000 commercial aircraft that take off and land across the world everyday, are you one of the frequent fliers?
If you’re packing your bags for yet another trip out of the city and want to know how much bad carbon you’ll earn, here’s how you can calculate it.
Go online to any number of sites that are dedicated to this, sites like carbonfootprint.com or climatecare.org. Fill out a simple form and you’ll figure out just how much you need to make up for. Remember, you start burning carbon from the time you turn the key to your car.
So if you’re flying from Mumbai to New York.
The calculator will tell that you are partially responsible for burning nearly 4 tonnes of CO2. That means you need to pay nearly Rs 2,350 to offset the carbon damage.
There are several ways to do this:
For starters, you can plant a tree or donate to someone who will
Invest in alternative energy sources
Use eco-friendly gadgets in your house and office.
Whenever possible use other means of travel like trains and buses that emit lesser amount of carbonic gases than cars and planes.
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