Pairing food with Wine

Pairing food with wine

It’s important to remember to always match similar flavors and textures and make sure the intensity of the wine contributes to the flavor of the dish.

Match wines with foods similar in strength, richness and texture
Pair wines with dishes that are similar in strength, richness and texture to help bring out the characteristics of both. Big, bold wines do better with heartier dishes while lighter wines are better enjoyed with delicate dishes. A nice, acidic Chainti will pair excellently with a tangy tomato based pasta with pungent cheese (like parmesan).

Pairing tannins
Tannins are what give a red wine that dry mouth feeling. Pair tannic wines with foods that will offset that dry-mouth feeling, such as meats and cheeses, which have fats that can break through the astringency.

Always try to balance the acidity of the food to the wine.
Pinot Grigio’s are great with citric based foods like lemon chicken or light and floral soups or stews. If you are drinking a desert wine that is very sweet, have a nice biscotti or torte. The wine should always be just as sweet, or sweeter.

Balance tastes! 
Salty and sour tastes in food will make wines taste milder (fruitier and less acidic), whereas most sweet and savory tastes make wines taste stronger (drier and more astringent).

Consider the region
Look at the region where the wines come from and pick food from that area. The soil that the fruits and vegetables grow in, and the grass the native animals feed upon, is the same base for the vines. They feed off the same nutrients and will therefore have similar flavors. You’re going to have similarities wherever you look regionally.

Light, Medium and Full-bodied wines
When you are cooking, light body wines go well with steamed, lightly sauteed, or poached foods. Medium and full-bodied wines go better with grilled, roasted, or baked dishes that have intense flavors. Acidic wines work well with salty dishes.

Game birds such quail, turkey, duck, and squab have earthy flavors that are more robust than chicken. Because of this, you should pair them with wines that can pick up those characteristics of spice and earth.

Fish and Seafood
Seafood does not always have to be paired with white wine. Chianti is such a diverse wine with a dry-body that it will not ruin and hide the flavors of the sea. Mix it up a bit and explore the flavors. Some shellfish, like oysters – are excellent with sparkling wine.


Sandy Crump: I am married and have two grown step children and three cats. I grew up in the sixties in the midwest. I lived in San Diego, California for 30 years and now live in Alabama. I am a retired banker. My hobbies include writing, reading, watching old movies, making jewelry, crafting, making gift baskets, mystery shopping, scrapbooking, blogging, collecting antiques, barbie dolls and Marilyn Monroe items, reading, music, old movies, and the internet. I love spending time with my family and friends.
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