People of subcontinent have almost common genetic inheritance, Arian and Dravidian are two predominant races in this region and people of both races are further divided on bases of religion. Hindu, Muslims Christians, Jews, Budhists, and some other religious entities form religious outlook of subcontinent. Because of intermarriages between people of both races quite healthy generations having common genetic inheritance are now prevailing in subcontinent.
Prior to 14th of August 1947 subcontinent was known as India, it was divided into two different parts after creation of Pakistan on 14th of August 1947. Afterwards two major wars were fought between India and Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, in result of 1971 war Pakistan was dismembered and new state of Bangla Desh came into existence. Number of limited wars were also fought between India and Pakistan and limited war on Siachin glacier and in Afghanistan are still an ongoing reality.
The outcome of failure of political leadership and diplomatic core to resolve issues between states is most often war; people of subcontinent are in a very difficult situation due to frequent failures of their political leadership, and its inability to resolve issues through diplomatic and peaceful means due to prevailing ignorance in this region.
Growth of extremist ideologies is an outcome of economic backwardness and prevailing ignorance in subcontinent, though majority of people are now politically aware and have elected a PhD Prime Minister Sardar Manmohan Singh in India twice, in Pakistan PPPP lead coalition government came into power through ballot recently.
Both India and Pakistan are nuclear powers and all out war between both seems quite eminent if General Deepak Kapoor Chief of Indian Army Staff statements recently conveyed to me through media are based on truth.
Interestingly during election campaign in Pakistan anti India rhetoric was avoided by politicians, and the campaign was based on issues of other issues of national importance, as an effort to normalize relations with India, but through media reports I came to know that anti Pakistan rhetoric was focus of Indian leadership during the Indian election campaign.
Recent media reports reflect that dozens of our Dravidian and Arian cousins in India were died in India due to severe weather conditions and prevailing hunger among its 78% population.
Let us fight intelligently and bravely against extremism, poverty, hunger and disease together, nuclear powers do not fight limited wars to avoid the risk of total war with their next door nuclear neighbor, China and Soviet Union are living example before us, both neighboring nuclear powers have immediately resolved their border disputes soon after China’s attainment of nuclear status during the second half of previous century. Better and wiser course of action for India and Pakistan is settlement of Kashmir and other disputes through diplomatic and peaceful means.
Written and submitted by
Abdur Raziq
M.phil US Study (International Relation-History)
Cell phone # 00923339607378
E mail address:
Note: This article of mine was published earlier at and at