Pakistani government continues to allow the Haqqani Network to operate in Pakistan and attack US troops in Afghanistan, report notes

US Soldiers killed in fighting in Afghanistan along the border with Pakistan.

Contained within the pages of the Committee Report 22 of 108 – House Report 113-102 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal year 2014 are references to the situation in Pakistan, particular to that country’s continuing effort to undermine and foil the US fight against terrorism in Afghanistan.

“The committee continues to be concerned about the direction of the United States’ strategic partnership with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan continues to allow the Haqqani Network to operate in Pakistan and attack U.S. troops in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.


See video: US Military has evidence that Pakistani ISI supporting Haqqani Network http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEqWP2d6frs

“Al Qaeda continues to enjoy sanctuary in, and operate from, the territory of Pakistan.”

See video: US suspects Pakistan helped Bin Laden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCmnE-gEHzg

“Moreover, the Government of Pakistan has not allowed U.S. trainers to work with Pakistan’s Frontier Corps, which has led the committee, in consultation with the Department of Defense, to not renew the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund in this Act.

The committee does acknowledge that the Government of Pakistan has reversed its antagonistic course in some areas, including re-opening the Ground Lines of Communication, and has constructively worked with the International Security and Assistance Force on critical cross-border issues. However, more must be done in order for the committee to be confident that the Government of Pakistan is willing to engage in a comprehensive strategic partnership with the United States.

The committee urges the Department of Defense, in conjunction with the Department of State, to continue to take prudent steps in fostering a constructive strategic relationship with the Government of Pakistan.

Additionally, the committee cautions that it will remain skeptical of furthering pre-existing programs, and creating new programs, to engage with the military of the Government of Pakistan until there are meaningful steps by the Government of Pakistan to fully support U.S. goals and interests in the region” (source: House Report 113-102 – NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 – Congressional Record http://thomas.loc.gov/).

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