Pakistani Government halted the decision to build a national censorship firewall on internet

 Pakistan 28 March 2012: The Pakistani Government has halted the decision to build a national censorship firewall in internet over its territory. To make this happen, number of campaign like Bolo Bhi,   Bytes for all , Human Rights Resource center were launched where more than 18,000 Access members added their voices to the movement to kill this oppressive project.

The internet censorship outlined by the government would censor the availability of wide range of content while directly curbing the freedom of expression of the internet user of Pakistan.

According to Accessnow.org,  “On Monday from multiple sources, we have received affirmations  that the Pakistani government may be on the verge of scrapping its plans to implement an invasive new Internet censorship system. This is good news not only for the people of Pakistan, but for everyone who cares about a free and open global Internet. The Pakistani government’s track record on censorship provides little reassurance that technology of this kind would be used solely for “responsible” purposes. In fact, the system requested in this RFP almost seems to be explicitly intended to promote mission creep. That is why their decision to pull the project is so significant. Given access to these powerful filtering tools with virtually no independent oversight, the government could easily use this technology to promote particular political agendas, forcibly crack down on political dissent, and otherwise further silence speech even more than that they already are have.”

“There is clearly a great deal more work to be done to solidify the rights of people everywhere to access the free and uncensored internet. But the Pakistani government’s retreat is conclusive proof that the collective power of our voices can have a big impact – even in regions where censorship is widespread,” added they. 

Source: http://www.rayznews.com/ 

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