Pakistani Minister slates India’s statement about Gwadar port

ISLAMABAD:- Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Nisar A. Memon Thursday described a recemt Indian government statement regarding Gwadar port as a proof of her involvement in promoting terrorism in Balochistan. Addressing a news conference he said the Indian statement not only highlights the geo-strategic importance of Gwadar port but also strengthens the doubts about her involvement in attempts to create a law and order situation in Balochistan.

The Minister said India had set up its 13 information centers in Afghanistan with the prime objective to disturb peace in Balochistan and hamper construction of Gwadar port.

He said the port would play an important role in the country’s economy and also prove a trade gateway for the entire region. In view of this significance India did not want its smooth completion, he added.

Senator Memon said the Indian statement was against the spirit behind the ongoing bilateral dialogue. Such statements could cast a negative impact on bilateral relations and vitiate the atmosphere, he said. 

The Minister emphasized the government’s resolve for timely completion of Gwadar port to usher in a new era of progress and prosperity for Balochistan and the rest of the country.

Responding to questions on domestic political situation, Senator Memon strongly rejected idea of a national government.

Pakistan, he said, is a stable state with a strong economy and to further strengthen the country the government is keen to hold completely free and fair general elections in accordance with the announced schedule.

He said the elections had to be rescheduled due to sad demise of PPP chairperson Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.

The Minister expressed satisfaction over the security situation across the country.

He said the deployment of security forces during the holy month of Muharram has been extended up to the elections to ensure free and fair polls in a peaceful environment.

The Minister said that there is no shortage of flour or any other edible items in the country.

“We have sufficient quantity of flour for the needs of the country for at least 52 days ahead,” he said, adding that issuance of ration cards would ensure provision of food items to the people at subsidized rate through the network of utility stores.

Sami Mangi: .
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