Palestian Negotiator: No Jerusalem, The Deal’s Off!

In a recent turn of events, it may seem unlikely that there will be a peace agreement reached between Israel and the Palestinian Authority anytime this year. Both sides have strongly debated about the fate of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. However, the Palestinians want part of Jerusalem to act as the capital of the future of the Palestinian state.

Since last year, there have been talks to bring peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. At the same time to create the state of Palestine as well. Right now, they are working on a solution to Jerusalem.

Ahmed Qureia, the chief negotiator for the Palestinian Authority had given this ultimatum: no Jerusalem, no agreement. The Palestinians want to claim the east part of Jerusalem for the capital of the future Palestinian state.

The city of Jerusalem is symbolic to both sides.

The Palestinian militant group, Hamas, has condemned the talks. Hamas dominates the Gaza Strip, which is blockaded. There is a humanitarian crisis going on in the Gaza Strip. Hamas continues to strike Israeli targets with mortar attacks.

Hamas wants a ceasefire; but, it refuses to recognize Israel’s statehood.

At the same time, Israel wants Hamas to recognize its statehood.

Recently, presumed US Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama had come under fire from both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority for a speech he had recently given to the AIPAC.

Can Tran:
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