Palestinian Authority Now Subject To Lawsuits By Israel

After the ruling has been declared by the Foreign Ministry of Israel, Israelis who are relatives of suicide bombings by Palestinian militants can now sue the Palestinian Authority. There are already 55 suits filed against the Palestinian Authority; where many more can follow afterwards.

In the span of eight years since 2000, there have been 131 suicide bombings by Palestinian militants. As a result, the lives of 541 people have been claimed. Most of the suits filed are by relatives of the 21 teenagers killed during the bombing back in 2001 in Tel Aviv. Since then, they have been trying to get the right to file a lawsuit.

The decision was left up to the Foreign Ministry back in 2007. The order to decide had come from the order by Israel’s Supreme Court. So far, the Palestinian Authority is not considered a state. In an ironic note, the Palestinian Authority is still recognized as the government authority of Palestine. Currently, the militant group known as Hamas dominates places such as Gaza.

Since Israel does not recognize the Palestinian Authority as a state. As a result, the Palestinian authority is not immune from lawsuits. Now, it is subject to the first 55 lawsuits would could be the first of many. However, the Palestinian Authority quickly rejected the ruling from Israel.

It said that Israel does not have any jurisdiction over the Palestinian Authority. This recent ruling by Israel’s Foreign Ministry could hurt the peace talks going on between both Israel and Palestine.

The issue of settlements had temporarily undermined the road to peace between both states. With the issue of Israel and Palestine as a possible issue on foreign policy in the US presidential races, the lawsuits approved by Israel’s Foreign Ministry could elevate that one aspect.

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