Posted by Maya Norton to Global Voices Online
Muna Nawajaa has scored a victory for social justice.
Using a camera given to her by B’Tselem’s Shooting Back project, Palestinian Nawajaa recorded the masked beating of members of her family, resulting in an investigation and arrest of suspects by Israeli police.
In a post entitled “Cameras as Weapons,” Uriel Hellman writes in the JTA’s Telegraph blog:
“Imagine if this project were expanded throughout the Middle East. Just as Israel has taken action against this thuggish and criminal activity, authorities from Riyadh to Cairo would take action against thugs in their societies who target Arab innocents.
There’s just one problem: Nobody’s interested in how people in those places are beaten, murdered and maimed — and, in some cases, the persecution is carried out by their own governments. B’Tselem, or at least the United Nations, would do well to protect those innocents as well.”
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