A job opportunity, as seen at Myspace job, was visited by a curious surfer. It was listed with a link losangeles.backpage.com and that link directed you to www.moreinfo247.com/9474979/CB and posted by BRUZILMEC with a reference to Carson Services, Inc. 9474979. This then directed me to SFI Affiliate Center.
Upon being linked to the SFI Affiliate Center, I was presented with an SFI Affliate agreement. Among other details the agreement stated that a credit card was required, and that if the affiliate was not fully satisfied that a refund would be made upon return of all materiials.
This to me appears to be nothing more than a money mill. You must buy materials from the organization and they get rich by providing you with the materials. This would quality as a business opportunity and not a job opportunity. They are asking for an investment, so as such it is wrong to say it is a great job opportunity. It is not for it is an investment opportunity.
The matter was considered, 11/18/07, approx. 1:58AM.