Pastor Apperication

The month of October is widely known in churches as Pator apperication month. I think this is a very deserving time for pastor’s we need to take time to thank our pastors for all they do. They have lives just like we do and they need a break just like we do. I thought it was so moving some of the ones in our church made this past sunday night since this was the last sunday of the month to make a specail night for our pastor his wife and our youth pastor and his wife. We have really know idea what our pastor’s do behind the scenes the time they take to keep the church running. I hope that everyone else in all the other churches around the world take sometime to just say thank you and we love you to their pastor.

christine lynch: I am a christian woman, married with 4 beatiful kids. I spend most of my time being involved in as much as I can with our church, taking care of the house, and my family. I am a writer, in my spare time I enjoy playing the pinao, playing board games, in the summer time when whether permits I like fishing, swimming, and rummage sales.
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