Paul Chehade, candidate for President of the United States of America in 2016.

Paul Chehade, candidate for President of the United States of America in 2016.

Once again it is time to fight for the values of our country, we must not let our principles be destroyed, as proud Americans we must return to the values and foundation of our nation. Paul Chehade

Dear Fellow Americans,

Once again it is time to fight for the values of our country, we must not let our principles be destroyed, as proud Americans we must return to the values and foundation of our nation. Yes, again it is time to battle and correct the course of our nation, we have had enough of politics and partisan privileges.

We must repeat ourselves, the hard reality is that both major parties that have controlled our country for so many presidencies continuously fail to bring prosperity and undermine our most sacred rights, the freedom to live with dignity and peace in our hearts.

Once again, it is time to do what it is best for our nation and its people and not what a handful of influential economic powers dictate for their sole benefit.

It is for this sole reason that, after consulting with my family, colleagues and friends around the country, I have decided to run again in 2016 for President of this great nation, praying to GOD for guidance and protection in this most difficult endeavor.

After my last political campaign, by now many of you know that I am not a politician. I am just a simple person like most of us that loves and cares about our country and just cannot stand our nation’s unsustainable situation anymore.

My message will be the same, simple and straight forward, not like the political phrases that candidates say in their speeches when they are campaigning and then like always they not fulfill their promises. My main issue will be to once and for all unite our nation under the umbrella of our founding fathers and protect our freedom, peace and prosperity, including every American without distinction of race, creed or color, “One nation under God”.

In this new campaign for 2016, our political platform will be the same, we will push for a law that protects our low income senior citizens from paying taxes on their homestead and secure that their basic needs are met.

We will again present in our platform the importance to protect the rights of our men and women in uniform, especially the ones that fought for our country to protect our rights and freedom. We will guarantee that at their return, they will have secure jobs and their families will be guaranteed that their basic needs will be covered.

Sadly the present healthcare system and the one our government is trying to implement is not the solution for so many reasons that I will need a whole book to explain. We need to find a solution to the healthcare problem in America without punishing and damaging free enterprise. We need to find avenues to provide free insurance to the low income people and reasonable and affordable insurance premium for the rest of the population, but never impose a law that will restrict the right of choice of each individual.

We all know that the basis of our nation is made of honest and hard working immigrants, for that purpose we must impose hard laws that cannot tolerate discrimination in any form.

A very sensible issue and a mayor problems of our nation is illegal immigrants, we should abide by the law, but at the same time we should contemplate the possibility of legalizing all these immigrants so they can start contributing to this country by paying taxes like all of us and by spending and investing their money in our country and secure our frontiers with a effective system to detain future infiltrations. We need and we must implement a new solid and secure system to protect our borders and one option could be using the expertise of our armed forces to avoid the immigration problem in the future.

Each day that goes by shows us again and again the importance of reviewing our position and commitments in the International arena and in my view it is essential to start giving priority to our American Continent. I believe it is very important to strengthen the relationship with our American neighboring countries and work in unity for a better future of our Continent.

Our American Continent is so exceptional and rich that we have at the reach of our hands all the major resources that we need for today and future generations. We must built special preferences and give priority to all the products “Made In America” and rebuild the manufacturing industry that will give jobs and security to our people.

Again and more significantly, we need to address the rampant spending that started decades ago, but that has skyrocketed in the in the last two administrations pushing our nation to the brink of collapse. Our deficit is a cancer destroying our nation from within.

My last campaign question still stands. How confident are you, the common citizen, in our nation’s future with the current trend of economic and International policies?

In 2016 we will have another opportunity to save our nation. I ask again to all Americans with solid values that love this country, like I do, to help me restore the faith and principles of our founder fathers and return this nation to be admired again as a great nation.

God Bless America.

Paul Chehade:.
Honor and Truth

For more information please visit: http://www.paulchehade.org

Paul Chehade 2016: Paul Chehade was born in Wilmington, Delaware on October 26, 1965. He is a political truth and righteous seeker, successful business entrepreneur, humanitarian rights activist and ideologist, polyglot, musician, writer; was and has sophisticated his character by a plan of virtues, which he believes in and continues to practice in order to develop his uprightness which it is the foundation for his solid moral. Such moral is based on respect for the human customs and believes, knowledge, religious tendencies (as long as those do not hurt society but do provide love, brotherhood and progress in peace and harmony) regardless of color, race and culture. His character is based on Temperance, Discipline, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humbleness. Paul Chehade is a believer of the practical and democratic values of prudence, hard work, education, honesty, spiritual development, self-governing institutions and opposes to authoritarianism both political and religious based on scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment. Paul Chehade supported the idea of basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education and health. Paul Chehade is the Chairman of the Board of a diversity group of corporations since 1999, which are dedicated totally to serve the ill-timed humans, regardless of a person’s religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people, helping communities worldwide. Ethical junction making choices easy. Values & Principles: Paul Chehade was born in a Catholic family. Based on the principles expressed in the Bible, which Paul Chehade has been raised with; profound values and the riches of his Christian traditions lead him to base his desire to serve the community in neighborly love as preached by Jesus Christ. What is required is to return to the old fashion principles on morality, ethics based on respect to all living creature. Being ethical is not the same as doing "whatever society accepts." Being ethical is to follow the rules that respect the human right and integrity. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Discrimination is a good example of a morally corrupt society. A reform to our values back to basics will provide the standards to a moral and righteous behavior. Education is an avenue. Religious principles of love are also valid. God must prevail in our schools our daily life and our families. The family is the basis of our society and the future of our children therefore of our nation. God Bless America.
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