PDCC launched course for teachers of different schools

PDCC launched 9 months long course for teachers on Certificate in Education;  educational leadership & Management.

CHITRAL:  Professional Development Centre Chitral (PDCC) in collaboration with Aga Khan University Institute for Education Development Karachi launched a 9 months long course on Certificate in Education; educational leadership and management for teachers’ heads of different government, private and Aga Khan Schools of Chitral. This is a course face to face as well as field components. Main objective of the course is to develop schools heads a pedagogical leader so that they can bring positive changes in teaching and learning in their schools and also in the management practices. The launching ceremony was started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Zuharan Shah General Manager of Agha Khan Education Service of Pakistan was chief guest on the occasion. There are 30 participants (male and female) from different schools out of them 13 are from government schools, 12 from Aga Khan Education Service schools and 5 from private school management.

These participants belongs to very far flung  and remote areas of Chitral which are almost block due to heavy snowfall and land sliding like Yarkhun, Mulkoh, Arkari, Parsad, Garamchishama and Drosh as well as from Chitral town. Sultan Ali Khan is main coordinator of the course while Tajuddin and Muhammad Khan are facilitators of the session. Addressing to the inaugural ceremony Dr. Mir Afzal Tajik head of PDCC, Zuhran Shah GM of AKESP and Sultan Ali Khan coordinator PDCC stressed upon the participants to fully utilize their time because most of the participants have traveled by feet for 10 hours to attend this fruitful course. They said that such changes are not available for ever and they should to be more benefited from these occasions. They said that PDCC always think and arranging for betterment of teachers of Chitral to improve their professional skill. They also quote some examples of great leaders who achieved their goal after trying and trying again. They stressed upon the teachers who are course participants that they performing a noble and great performance in the society but they should to prepare not certified people but qualified and great leaders of futures. A large number of intellectuals, educationists and people belonging to all walks of life participated the inaugural ceremony of this course.

G.H. Farooqi PO Box No. 50 GPO Chitral Pakistan telephone NO. 0943-302295, 414418, 03025989602

G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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