According to senior US military official of Bagram air base in Afghanistan, peace agreement between Pakistan Army and Taliban militants had provided opportunity to Taliban militants to strengthen their sanctuaries in tribal areas of Pakistan near Pak Afghan border, during truce period Alqaida and Taliban militants had increased their attacks on US lead coalition forces in Afghanistan and cross border activity of Taliban militants was considerably increased, eyewitnesses have also said that Taliban and Alqaida militants were comfortably moving across Pak Afghan border, US military official has also said that presence of weapons and militants in Lal mosque of Islamabad was a result of truce between Pak Army and Taliban miltants, militants had accumulated weapons in the mosque from tribal areas of Pakistan the weapons were smuggled into Islamabad, a tribes man Inayat Orakzai had also confirmed that weapon supply line begins from tribal area and ends up at Lal mosque Islamabad, from sanctuaries at Pak Afghan border areas militants were increasing their subversive activities at both sides of the border, in tribal area of Dara Adam Khel which is situated between Peshawer and Kohat Taliban militants had taken over control of the this tribal agency, “last week a Pak Army official is beheaded in Dara Adam Khel by Taliban militants,” Muhammad Hafeez Bangash has said.
Yesterday government of pro Taliban religious alliance MMA is dissolved in NWFP by Governor Ali Muhammad Jan Orakzai, “with a pro Taliban government in power it was next to impossible to restore peace in the province, during last one year Deputy Inspector General Police Bannu district of NWFP Mr. Abid Ali was killed at few miles distance from Dara Adam Khel, Capital City police chief Malik Saad became victim of suicide attack within Peshawar city, an inspector of Intelligence Bureau was also gunned down by militants within tribal area of Dara Adam Khel, in both Kohat and Peshawar division numerous CD shops are damaged by bomb explosions, today in Karak district of NWFP a bomb was set off near CD shop, CD shop is damaged and one person is injured, local Taliban in Kohat NWFP are trying to gain control of whole NWFP Province, in Swat district Maulana Fazllullah lead Taliban militants are spreading their tentacle in whole district, from Waziristan to Bajore girls schools and female teachers are targeted by local Taliban militants, a female teacher in Mahmand tribal agency was also killed by the militants," sources have said.
Since last four days fierce fighting between Taliban militants and Pakistan security forces have caused heavy causalities on both sides, tribesmen are migrating towards settled areas due to acute shortages of food supplies and heavy bombardment” sources have said.
Submitted by
Abdur Raziq