“Peace can only be maintained by strength as the terrorists proclaim: Death to America, and death to Israel. They mean it”, warns Rep. Joe Wilson

“Mr. Speaker, as Islamic terrorists seize control of major Iraqi cities, it is clear that the President’s failure to secure a status of forces agreement has jeopardized the progress our military made to promote democracy and peace in the region”, said Wilson.

On June 17, 2014 Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina asked for and was granted permission to address the United States House of Representatives for one minute regarding Iraq and terrorism:

“Mr. Speaker, as Islamic terrorists seize control of major Iraqi cities, it is clear that the President’s failure to secure a status of forces agreement has jeopardized the progress our military made to promote democracy and peace in the region.

We have known for years that the Iraqi Government was struggling to implement democracy. Instead of offering help, the President ignored lessons learned of successfully maintaining peace with an American reserve of air defense, as we have done in Germany, Japan, Korea, and now in Kosovo.

Even now, as the Middle East watches to see how the United States will react to the current crisis, the President is putting our families at risk as he negotiates with terrorists and communicates with Israel’s enemies.

The President needs to change course, recognize the growing threat of international terrorism, and understand that failed diplomacy and inaction allows the creation of safe havens to attack us again.

Peace can only be maintained by strength as the terrorists proclaim: Death to America, and death to Israel. They mean it”, said Wilson (source: Congressional Record http://thomas.loc.gov/).

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