Why is it that suddenly everyone is so passionate about their religious rights? I am a Roman Cahtolic living among a majotiy of Budhists.
We liveed quite peacefully until lately, the Budhists feel that we Chritians are a threat to them . Now they have imposed conditions on conversion and sometimes even to prcatice. It s just this "image’ of being a Budhist country that fascinates them. I feel that conversion to another religioun is ones own right and cannot be imposed by law. Don’ t you think so? Especially if Christians have been here since …………almost 500 years ago.
Then again the Muslims who have migrated to Western cultured cities now claim their rights and are trying to change the laws to suit them. This is quite strange since they migrated in their own free will knowing the culture and laws of these countries. If they didn’t like them why go there? Can a Christian migrate to Middle East and change their laws? So, why this sudden "religious tolerence" in the name of "peace" at the cost of denying the rights of its long time Christian citizens. Haven’t they got any rights to claim their own "religious freedom" ???