PGMA betrays trusted ally

A friend and trusted ally of President Gloria Arroyo have met his comeuppance when he was booted out of his juicy position as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Yesterday’s drama was one for the book after friendships and alliances was broken because of bested interests which has been lingering in the political scene for quite sometime now

House Speaker Joe De Venecia was allegedly left defenseless by the President inside the “coliseum of politics” where the attack dogs (i.e. paid hacks in congress drooling incessantly) executed a coup de grace on the hapless House Speaker. Joe De Venecia was ousted after long hours of deliberations in his beloved House of Representatives.

The ousted House Speaker looked tired but he was composed when he delivered his speech with litanies against the people who orchestrated his ouster. His ballistic tirades hit his once close friend and trusted ally and boss, President Gloria Arroyo. Joe the politician accused the President and the first family of all the problems happening in the country.

The disgraced Speaker was on the attack mode after the changing of guard. He spoke volume of sins that the administration committed starting from the 2004 Presidential Election and the controversial ZTE Broadband deal of 2007. Joe holds many aces against the administration and the public anticipates more damaging news in the near future. But it won’t be easy for Joe because he was once an accomplice and cohorts of rotten secrets.


mr oldtowner: I am a man of advocacy who believes in equality, freedom and world peace.
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