Philippines-China crisis: ‘Wag the Dog’ China diversion over scandal

Manila  Analysts say "China is engaged in a spin game, trying to draw attention elsewhere from a domestic corruption scandal and how it might affect the make up of its government." the opinion is further critical that some in the central corridors of power fearing for their own positions are backing ‘a flashpoint’ or even a minor clash elsewhere to redirect attention. This comes as a leadership hand-over is underway in Beijing. The term ‘Wag the dog’, comes to mind. More so as reports on the crisis overseas online are being attacked by organized hack and websites defaced.

China’s central ruling elite is worried that as more news of this and other scandals rise – reformists and moderates might be replaced by more ‘party- hard liners" and the current crisis seeks to drive attention elsewhere. "China has billions of dollars in funds – from massive trade income that has over the years – been used t0 keep more conservative and hardline elements in government in check. Now, a new focus on investigations and probes – may – develop into a purge." the diplomat familiar with China and its internal politics notes.

The current crisis off of the coast of the Philippines and a sudden surge in belligerent attitudes versus India over a long planned missile test came just as  a stream of reports and allegations about the fate of Bo Xilai, whom the BBC describes as "the politician at the center of China’s biggest political scandal in years. Mr Bo was sacked as Communist Party boss of the south-western city of Chongqing, and suspended from other key political posts, amid an official investigation into corruption and allegations that his wife was involved in the murder of UK businessman Neil Heywood." a article on its website notes.


More Information on current web attacks on those reporting on China Corruption crisis:

  1. Times of India Hacker attack underlines role of internet in China scandal
  2. Austin American Statesman Hacker attack underlines Web role in China scandal
  3. Financial Times* Bo fallout threatens China’s security chief
  4. Indian Express Website reporting on China politics hacked
  5. CTV.ca Hacker attack shows how Internet plays role in Chinese scandal 


All major news stories lead also to one key are China’s Military and its possible involvement: The corruption scandal fallout threatens China’s security chief Ally Zhou Yongkang said to be fighting for his job

At around the same time – the same Chinese official had sought protection and attempted to gain political asylum in a US consulate – claiming to have evidence – of official corruption and illegal acts as well as military plans of China that might affect peace and stability in the region.

Unfortunately, the US state department officials handed over the Chinese police chief – to avoid upsetting China – even as pressure mounted by the PRC on the case reached a fever pitch online.  Mr Heywood was found dead in Chongqing in November 2011. Worse this comes as a handover of power could see major changes in policy in China’s central power circles. Any scandal might affect the standing of the military leadership which has control over cooperatives and also invests heavily in fishing companies of China.

More Information on current web attacks on those reporting on China Corruption crisis:


Scarborough Scare: Classic Wag the Dog to divert attention internally:

A little more than two week ago – the sudden presence of 12 Chinese fishing boats and a pair of small coast guard patrol ships engaged in a stand off with the Philippine Navy. The crisis grabbed headlines across China and the Philippines. The timing marked the 70th anniversary of one the worst battles of world War Two where against all odds and long after most other allied forces had surrendered Philippine and US troops ended a long battle with Japan – the incident – came on Araw ng Kagitingan – the day of valor.  Ultimately the Philippines pulled out is lone modern frigate – a former US coast guard vessel and deployed maritime police and and its own Coast Guard vessel the BRP San Juan.

Most analysts saw it as a effort to distract the Philippines from moves elsewhere in the area. All units went on high alert. At the same time the Philippines was starting its yearly exercises with the United States. The Balikatan exercises – groups sympathetic to China – some believed sponsored by groups financially supported by pro-PRC interests in the Philippines have increasingly been allegedly funding left of center groups and on-line sites to attack US-Philippine ties.

Scarborough Shoals part of Luzon not disputed South China Sea Islands:

The location was not the disputed spratly islands but a large reef just off the coast of Luzon Island.  Overall the Philippine Government has clearly and repeatedly stated it seek no conflict with China while also pointing out the crisis does raise concerns.

The Aquino government remains committed to ongoing consultations with the People’s Republic of China (PROC) toward a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the Philippine’s Panatag Shoal (Scarborough Shoal) situation, a Palace official said on Friday.

Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office Secretary Ramon Carandang issued the statement during the regular press briefing in Malacanang on Friday following news reports that China reportedly rejected the Philippines’ proposal to bring to the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) the dispute over the Panatag Shoal (Scarborough Shoal). "We continue to discuss the issue with the Chinese government. The Philippine government is determined to find a peaceful solution to this," Carandang said.He reiterated that the country exercises full sovereignty and jurisdiction over the rocks of Bajo de Masinloc (Panatag).

"But we’re also equally determined to assert our sovereignty over what is our territory," Carandang said, noting that Bajo de Masinloc is not part of the Spratlys. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Bajo de Masinloc is an integral part of the Philippine territory and part of the Municipality of Masinloc, Province of Zambales. It is located 124 nautical miles west of Zambales and is within the 200 nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Philippine Continental Shelf.

Probe of security boss could widen China scandal

Fox News



leaders want Bo Xilai’s downfall seen as a blow against


— not as part of a power struggle. But with a second, .

Carandang said the government remains confident that the ownership dispute between the country and China would be resolved through diplomatic, legal and peaceful means. "And I’d like to add also, while this issue has immediate implications for us and for China, it also has long-term implications for the rest of the region—for stability in the region," he said. "In the immediate sense, this is an issue between the Philippines and China. But, in the end, this is an issue that has implications not just for the Philippines but also for other countries who are interested in navigating the South China Sea or, as we call it, the West Philippine Sea. So this is really an international issue," he said.

Michael Cohen:
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