Philippines: Social Media hate spam in defense of corruption and murder

MANILA: The comments come in waves normally on a single day. In this case articles I posted suddenly were flooded by within minutes of each other by ‘hate spam’ messages.

The same hate spam used to defend a pair of fugitives accused of murder and amidst allegations of corruption. "If it bears fruit they throw stones." is a Filipino saying.

HATE SPAM defending accused fugitives of murder:

"But social hate spam comes like avalanche." the family of murdered journalist Gerry Ortega has had to put up with the waves of attacks in Palawan.

"Please be careful for there are many false identities on social media who just want to make people angry."

"The lies are hurtful, they are working for the people who murdered my father. They will kill, they will lie, they steal do anything to make trouble." a daughter of Ortega said in Filipino in her Facebook account warning people not to waste time believing the lies.

The family has forwarded most of the false identities to investigators and those involved in cases their father exposed seem to be linked to most of the ‘Hate spam."

Political figures all over the country now see the same type of mudslinging normally reserved for the campaign period flowing hours or minutes after negative posts flow out.


They use comment services which often do not require a approval. Such as discuss or post hate spam on Twitter and other social platforms.

"It is not just political figures even businesses and governments are targeted." Large spam groups for hire operate in the Philippines as well as other countries where social media technology has yet to catch up with the laws.

At the Philippine National Police Cyber Crime Unit, some of the first cases of identity theft have been filed versus swindlers using social media to post negative content.

Lack of Cyber laws can be covered by rumor mongering act

It is problem because when there is libelous content or hate speech the comments sometimes can only be removed by a long process. The National Police note some false accounts claiming to be part of law enforcement are often created. "In the case of Doctor Ortega, there is a flase group claiming to be the task force assigned and looking for tips."

However, police caution the ‘face groups’ are believed to actually be part of a group defending and aiding the fugitives. "We have coordinated with INTERPOL and the law enforcement agencies where Facebook, Twitter, and, other social networks are to cooperate." The basis comes from laws versus terrorism which can be tapped when crimes such as political killings use electronic media.

A lot of those involved perhaps are kids, paid to post images, comments, hateful speech they do not know they can be criminally held liable for those acts. The Counter Cyber crimes team leader requesting anonymity told MikeinManila.

amateurs : no skills and obvious

A spokesman for the accused in the murder for example went on radio, to defend the fugitives accused in the Ortega case. Speaking at a university graduation the comments later came out across social networks and posted online.

"There are some who are stupid, the attacks are hurtful – but – it is helping us find others involved in this trade. Eventually we will find and charge them in court. Illegally using an alias in the Philippines to avoid libel and spread rumors is covered under the law. "They need to taught a lesson." the police colonel in charge of investiigating the spam attacks told MikeinManila.

"They hurt people,  the make flase sites pretending to be police, and, even attempt to obstruct justice; soon they may find the little they earn as hate spam posters will not defend them from the legal process." But the National police cyber crime investigator points out they will succed. "Eventually, they will be exposed and face the complaints agianst them."

Michael Cohen:
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