Plea For Euthanasia By Patient Suffering Rare Cancer Is Rejected By French Court

The cancer known as esthesioneuroblastoma is extremely rare. This type severely affects ones nasal cavity. Within the last twenty years, only 200 cases have been documented. Chantal Sabire, a mother of three and a former schoolteacher is one of those 200 cases.

She has appealed for her right to die on French TV back in February. However, her plea was denied by the court. This is in regards that the court says is upholding a law that prevents doctors to legally end a person’s life.

Even if the physical degeneration of Madame Sebire merits compassion, this request can only be rejected under French law,” said the magistrate in Dijon, which is located in the Eastern part of France.

Still, Sebire’s plea has launched much debate over the matter. At the same time, it has garnered Sabire much sympathy. She may head to Switzerland where euthanasia is legalized.

“One would not allow an animal to go through what I have endured,” Sabire said. She explains that she has lost her ability to taste and smell. She adds that women run away from her when she’s walking on the street out in the open.

So far, France has no law that legalizes assisted suicide. It is unknown whether or not if Sabire will seek assistance in Switzerland. Regardless of the decision, this may not be the last that we hear of this story.

Can Tran:
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