Categories: World

Poachers kill animals in Malawi national parks

Reports from Nyika National Park in Northern Malawi say many animals in Nyika National Park are being killed by poachers who are too strong for game rangers.

Sources who pleaded for anonymity say some poachers come from Zambia while others are Malawians.

They are heavily armed with rifles.

"THey come and kill animals and go back, sometimes unharmed by game rangers," say villagers sorrounding the park.

They say the situation is getting worse as many people are getting involved in killing the animals.

Some of the animals being killed are elepahants, zebras as well as  hares.

Border Zone, a German funded organisation, tried to help people sorrounding the National Park by providing finaces for them to start income generating activities.However, since they pulled out, people went again to kill the animals.

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