As in many small towns and many large cities the police force is an evil and corrupt force to be reckoned with in the small town in Southwest Iowa where I am regretfully residing. We all know that the police force in most regions is a corrupt one take Las Vegas for example, their cops are legendary for taking bribes from the mob and exploiting their citizens for their own personal financial or other gains. However, in the small town I call home, at least for now, they aren’t working for any one except themselves. They take bribes from the rich and set up the poor. Sadly, I happen to be one of the poor. I have had one run in with them and granted it was my fault, other people haven’t done anything and their run in’s with the almighty police force haven’t been so pleasant either. From sneaky set ups to out-in-the-open-everyone-knows type of set up, everyone know’s to watch their back when it comes to the cops. This isn’t the only town in western Iowa to suffer the same type of corruption. I know for a fact that in Harlan, Iowa the police force takes bribes. The bribes they accept hit right in the heart of many parents even if their teen hasn’t been a victim of the cops.
It was about two months ago the police chief and many other members of the Harlan PD were accused by many teenagers and much proof that they were forced to perform sexual acts on police officers to avoid getting in trouble. This wasn’t a by-choice type of bribe. It was either do it or we will find a reason to get you in trouble. If the teens wouldn’t do what they were told, they were in for a world of hurt. The police department would put drugs in the unsuspecting teens cars and than charge them with possession or intent to sell or some other bogus crime. These weren’t your typical run-of-the-mill troublemaking teens either. These were the upstanding ones, the ones that always get good grades, the ones that think talking during class is rebellious not some hardened-by-the-times teen troublemaker.
My question is why would the police department’s around the country allow this to go on? How could people that are supposed to uphold the law and protect this countries citizens allow people on their force that would perform such an act? It’s because they don’t care and the ones that do care are threatened with their job and in serious cases their life. So why don’t we as a people take a stand against the corruption and the hard-nosed criminals we call the police.