Police refuse permission for “harassment” effectiveness in Alexandria


Police refuse permission for the effectiveness of “harassment”

Police refuse permission for the effectiveness of “harassment”

Today the participants were surprised PAUSE “against harassment,” which was intended to be on the Stanley Bridge, the withdrawal of the organizers of the sit, after the rejection of the permit Baelloukfah security, and the presence of officers from the Department of sand first and national security in civilian clothes, make sure to break up the sit.

The vigil began at six in the evening, and the number of participants to raise banners with phrases rejects harassment, and began a number of passers-by to interact with the vigil, “is required in which the law so hard, the president runs on the point D” was a saying Azza a passer-by with her daughter interaction with banners vigil.

“ATI Elly in the rest of the country for the girl scared descend Ahan behavior boy” say Noor Abdul Aziz – one of the organizers of the vigil, who added: “we are Nazlen refusing any harassment whatsoever.”

But the emergence of security after about quarter of an hour from the beginning of the vigil, and to inform the regulators to reject the license them Baelloukfah, led to tension regulators, and they claim the participants to withdraw with a promise to repeat an invitation to reconsider, after making sure of obtaining a license, to ensure that no violation of the law of “pretending.”


Islam Abouelmagd:
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