Politics here flows through water pipes mixed with spurious drugs

 Is minister authority to issue drug license, then what is job of babus?

    Kashmiris hue & cry against Jammu minister could have dangerous implications   

Jammu and Kashmir: After Jihadi and boycott politics, which had always put Kashmiris in win-win situation in terms of political, regional and monetary power for the last two and half decades. This is for the first time in the history of Kashmiris who had united against a Jammu based minister, known for his honesty and integrity and truthfulness. The billion dollar question which every person of state must ask himself before commenting over the issue is, if the minister alone is authority to issue licenses to the people? If answer is no then why are all the blames put on the shoulders of young and honest minister, if answer is yes then what is the job done by babus in health department. Aren’t they liable to get shunted out?

                             Real News Agency 

Anyway, politicians have to do politics for their benefits but times change so changes their fortune. Doing politics on the blood stains of innocent Kashmiris has been land mark achievement of so called Kashmiri leaders of all types and streams. Unfortunately, targeting efficient and brave leader and minister of Jammu base by Kashmiri leaders is not only illogical but also an open invitation to serious and dangerous implications to evolve. Therefore, it is important for the civil society to take the lead by, throwing political shopkeepers and vested interests aside and educate people about the truth and aware them about logical conclusion of misdeeds, if any.

It is important to mention that some news papers, of which editors and correspondents were seen buzzing around a Congress minister’s office started a campaign against a Jammu based minister by leveling allegations against him of being kingpin of drug mafia active in Kashmir. But there are several logical questions that why a minister of Congress is hidden pursuing a agenda when he had freedom of expression and speech. In fact, it was Sham Lal Sharma then minister of health and now minister for PHE raised question on the credibility of working of PHE for the last several years, sources said adding that which irked by, sending shivers deep to spine of then PHE minister Taj-Mohi-U-Din and virtually dented his image.

Sources said that not only news paper operators but also key persons in health and medical education are burning mid night oil in the office chamber of incumbent minister for medical education and youth sports and services.  They said other departments are also in deep trouble of irregularities and indecency, but no body is bothered due to political fight between troubled waters mixed with spurious drug menace, they added.   

“If this drama against leaders and ministers of Jammu continues, the situation would be dangerous as we had not mute spectators,” Surinder Sudan a political worker said adding that maligning leader of repute would not be allowed to which entire Jammu region is ready to scarify everything.  Sudan warned that politics is at its own place but making it issue in the name of a particular person belonging to a particular community could not be tolerated.     

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