Poll: 2008 To Be A Rocky Year For The GOP

It would seem that 2008 is going to be a pretty tough and rough year for the Republican Party. This is despite the fact that polls show presumed GOP nominee Senator John McCain and presumed Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama of Illinois are in a neck and neck race with one another. However, it does look expected that the GOP will get hammered across all levels this year.

A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows that up and down the line, things do not bode well for the GOP. The results show that 63 percent of Democrats are excited about voting this year, let alone voting for Obama. 53 percent of registered voters both Democrat and Republican feel that Obama will end up winning the 2008 US Presidential Election.

Only 37 percent of Republicans felt the same way that the Democrats do. 36 percent of Republicans do not share the same excitement.

In short, there’s a huge gap between Democrats and Republicans excited about the 2008 Elections.

CNN polling director, Keating Holland, says that the Republicans have lot enthusiasm since the start of 2008. At the start, there was an 11 point gap between Republicans and Democrats. Now, the gap is now at 26 points.

CNN senior political analyst, Bill Schneider, says that the GOP has lost morale after eight years of US President George W. Bush.

This seems understandable as the GOP is working hard to repair its broken image. McCain and House Republicans are coming out with their own versions of the message of “change.”

McCain calls himself the candidate of “right change.”

House Republicans have launched the “change you deserve” message.

Can Tran:
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