Categories: Health

Poor Mattress Choice Can Result in Poor Health

Choosing the wrong mattress is not a trivial problem. On the contrary, it causes a huge range of issues that can impact your health both in the short-term and in the long-term.

If you’re having trouble sleeping or your existing health issues have become more problematic, you need to read this guide about the health risks associated with using the wrong mattress.

Chronic Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common problems experienced by Americans. Most people will experience some form of back pain at some point in their lives.

Where it becomes a real problem is if your back pain has lasted for 28 days or more. This is when doctors consider back pain to become chronic, and this can be one of the most debilitating conditions around.

Poor mattresses cause chronic back pain because they’re not supporting your spine. So, as you sleep different parts of your spine are receiving more pressure than is recommended. Over time, this pain can become chronic.


There are links with obesity and a lack of quality sleep. If we assume that your mattress is the result of poor-quality sleep, we can assume that you’re naturally lacking energy throughout the day.

The average person would look for high-energy foods. This could be a bag of chips, an extra cup of coffee, or a candy bar.

Sooner or later, these decisions are going to reveal themselves when it comes to your weight.

Heart Disease

Your body needs sleep in order to rest and recover. Have you noticed that when you haven’t slept for a long time your heart seems to be beating faster?

It’s no coincidence. Studies have shown that men with sleep apnea are 58% more likely to develop heart disease.

This could start with elevated blood pressure or mild hypertension, but it can eventually lead to a full-blown heart attack as the years pass.

Throat and Lung Irritation

Dust mites love your mattress. No matter how clean your home is they’ll still be attracted to your mattress. Poorer quality and older mattresses have no defense against dust mites.

It doesn’t take long for their presence to begin causing throat and lung irritation. Those with existing allergies may even suffer severe reactions.

It All Leads to a Weakened Immune System

Whether it’s through a lack of sleep or the resulting health issues you experience, it eventually leads to a weakened immune system.

People with weakened immune systems get hit by colds harder than the average person. They’re much more likely to experience life threatening illnesses. And they’ll experience a lower than average life expectancy.

It can all be solved by looking into purchasing a new, quality mattress.

Last Word – How to Make Sure You Buy the Right Mattress

A mattress is not an investment that should be made without significant thought and research. Take your time to look at mattress reviews and the various characteristics each brand offers.

Don’t automatically opt for the cheapest option. They get worn out faster and they don’t give your body the support it needs to enable good quality sleep.

It’s vital that you spend the time and the money on your sleep. If you don’t, it’s only going to lead to crippling health issues down the road. And they’re far costlier than investing in a mattress.

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