In his book, “Battling Demons of Darkness”, Brandon Boston describes his real life, first hand encounters with demonic entities.
Of particular interest to me were specific references sprinkled throughout his book that “hint” at a possible connection between suicide and the demonic.
In my research on this particular topic I must have well over 200 reports on my desk so far dealing with type of connection – either implied or overtly stated by people where both “suicide and demons” are mentioned in the same report.
I guess, in many ways Boston’s stories are no different from others I hear. What sets Boston’s stories apart however is the fact that they appear to be a recurring theme in his book.
I also know he has had more first hand encounters with this type of thing.
Here are a few examples:
“They more I started to think about killing myself the more of an evil presence I felt” (pg116).
“The evil entity consumed my car and it filled my mind with the worst suicidal thoughts I ever had” (pg 115).
In another example he states the fact that he is also “hearing voices”, which is yet another factor in this phenomena:
“The evil spirit was flooding my mind with sadistic thoughts, so I never had time to think about what I was doing or what would happen. As I continued to drink (alcohol) and take pills, I began feeling the full effects of the combination. I could not see straight and stumbled around my room feeling like I was about to pass out. The tears were flowin, the pain continued to hurt, the thoughts kept racing through my mind. “Yes, good, almost there. Another drink, another pill”, the voice would say” (pg 117).
Yet another failed suicide attempt:
“I was coming to the spot where I was going to end my life and I heard , “This is it! It’s over. You’re going to do it”, over and over in my head. At the last second, however I jerked the wheel back forward the road once more. In complete anger directed at myself, I wondered why I could not just do it and get it over with. I madethe same drive multiple times with the same result. I could not finish the job. The voice was furious with me – it did not register with me (at the time) that it was the one that wanted me to end my life” (pg 74).
In describing Boston’s book I would say it was one of the most terrifying, shocking, and emotional hauntingbooks I ever read!
See article and author profile information: